
Currently we support following subsystems-

  1. Power: SmallSats/CubeSats typically use solar panels to generate power from the sun. The power subsystem includes solar cells, energy storage (usually batteries), and power distribution electronics.
  2. Communication: SmallSats/CubeSats need a communication system to receive commands from Earth and transmit data back. This subsystem includes antennas, transceivers, and communication protocols.
  3. Command and Data Handling (C&DH): This subsystem is responsible for controlling the SmallSats/CubeSat’s operations. It includes the onboard computer, sensors, and actuators. The computer executes commands, collects and processes data, and manages the overall functionality of the satellite.
  4. Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS): ADCS is crucial for pointing the CubeSat in the right direction. It includes sensors (such as gyroscopes and magnetometers) to determine the satellite’s orientation and actuators (like reaction wheels or magnetic torquers) to adjust its attitude.
  5. Thermal Control: SmallSats/CubeSats experience a wide range of temperatures in space, and thermal control is necessary to keep the components within their operational temperature range. This subsystem includes insulation, heaters, and radiators.
  6. Payload: The payload is the primary mission equipment, which could be cameras, sensors, or scientific instruments depending on the CubeSat’s purpose.
  7. Propulsion: Some SmallSats/CubeSats may have a propulsion system for orbital maneuvers or to deorbit at the end of their mission. This subsystem may include small thrusters or other propulsion technologies.
  8. Ground Station: A ground station is necessary for communication with the SmallSats/CubeSat. It includes the antennas, receivers, and other equipment needed to establish a link between the satellite and the Earth.